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Kingfishers - Year 3

"Let Your Light Shine" Matthew 5:14-16

Welcome to Kingfisher Class!

The class teacher is Mrs Cox.


In Year 3, we cover a range of topics that cover the Humanities (History and Geography).

These are:

  • Ancient Egypt
  • Above and Below
  • Who are our European neighbours?
  • Farming
  • The Romans
  • Transport

Where possible, we try to link Science to these topics. Throughout the course of the year, we cover:

  • Animals including Humans
  • Rocks
  • Light
  • Plants
  • Forces
  • Working as Scientists

Every term, Knowledge Organisers are created which outline the main points that are covered in all subjects during the term, making as many cross-curricular links as possible. These are sent out via Parentmail at the start of each half-term and uploaded to the class page on the school website.  








Maths and English homework is sent out every week, in two separate books; this goes out on a Thursday and is expected back on the following Tuesday, completed to a high standard. Should your child need any extra support with this, they are to see Mrs Cox.  The work set is based on what the children have been learning in class that week or revision of previous work.


Every child has a reading record which is used to record their reading.  Every child needs to be reading for at least 20 minutes each night to an adult.  Please can the adult sign their child's reading record to show that they have read and make a note of the page they got to.  Year 3 children still need support to sound out unfamiliar words and they also need to understand what they are reading so asking questions about the story is also very helpful.  The more the children read, the more fluent they will become.

The reading books that the children bring home are numbered which is the level that they are reading at. Four times a year the children take an online test in school which tests their comprehension skills.  Levels are then calculated and a range is given.  The children then choose their reading books within this range so if the levels of the books that your child brings home fluctuates slightly please do not worry.

We encourage children to read a range of text types and authors.  Each year, we share a list of 50 books for each year group which we encourage the children to read.  Certificates are awarded for every 10 books that they read and are given out in Celebration Assemblies.  Please see the link below for the recommended reads for year 3 and a copy of the list is also glued into the children's English homework book.



As the children progress through the maths curriculum, practising the times tables that they have already learnt as well as learning new ones is essential. By the time the children are in year 3, they have already learnt the 2s, 5s and 10s times tables.  In year 3, they continue by learning the 3s, 4s and 8s.  Practising these at home really helps to consolidate learning.  The children have log ins for Times Tables Rockstars to help them to keep practising.

Telling the time is also an area of maths that some children find challenging.  Practising telling the time at home will help the children to become more fluent.  In year 3, we learn minutes past and minutes to (e.g. 13 minutes past 3; 27 minutes to 7)  Asking questions relating to time durations can also help.  For example, If I put the dinner in the oven at 5 past 5 and it takes half an hour, what time will the dinner be ready?


We have P.E. every Tuesday and Wednesday. Your child always needs to have the correct PE Kit in school. This includes a pale blue t-shirt, shorts and trainers. A black or grey tracksuit can be worn during the winter months.  Please ensure that they have the correct footwear in P.E. bags to change in to.  Children with pierced ears need to be able to remove the earrings themselves and then replace them after the lesson.  If this is not possible then tape is applied to cover the earrings.


Please note that in year 3, the children are not provided with a morning snack. Please pack a piece of fruit, vegetables or some raisins for them to enjoy during morning break along with a bottle of water.  

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.