Eagles - Year 6
"Let Your Light Shine" Matthew 5:14-16
Welcome to Eagles Class!
The class teacher is Mrs Heathfield, who works alongside Mrs Sharp and Mrs Nicklin.
In Year 6, we cover a range of topics that cover the Humanities (History and Geography).
These are:
- Code Breakers - WW2
- South America
- Crime and Punishment
- Extreme Earth
- Health and Well-being
- The Victorians
Where possible, we try to link Science to these topics. Throughout the course of the year, we cover:
- Light
- Evolution and Inheritance
- Electricity
- Animals Including Humans
- Living Things
- Working as Scientists
Every term, there are Knowledge Organisers connected to the Humanities topic which we cover throughout the children’s learning, making as many cross-curricular links as we can. These are sent out via parentmail at the start of each half-term. The knowledge organisers can also be found below:
Maths and English homework is sent out every week; this goes out on a Thursday and is expected back on the following Tuesday, completed to a high standard. Should your child need any extra support with this, they are to see Mrs Heathfield where she will give them the guidance and support they require to successfully complete their work. The work set is based on what the children have been learning in class that week or revision of work from the half term.
Planners and Reading:
Every child in Year 6 has a Planner. This is to be used to record their homework and to record when they read, using the reading log at the start of the planner. Every child needs to be reading for at least 20 minutes each night, whereby they record it in their planner. A parent is expected to sign it every week. This planner can also be used to send notes to and from school from parent to teacher and vice versa.
There are many ways to help your child to learn. Listening to them read or talking about their books will help them to develop their inference skills in reading. Ensuring that your child knows their times tables, which will help them immensely in maths.
We encourage children to read a range of text types and authors. Each year, we share a list of 50 books for the year group which we encourage children to read from. They are awarded a certificate to show how many books they have read. The book list for Year 6 can be found below:
SATs Booster Club
Mrs Heathfield will be running a SATs Booster Club every Monday from 3:30 – 4:30 starting after the October half term. In these sessions there will be a focus on how to answer different types of SATs questions, revision and games. The first week will be a maths focus, followed by SPaG and reading. This will continue to rotate in this way weekly leading up to the SATs in May.
If you need any information regarding the SATs, please take a look through the powerpoint below:
PE takes place on a Monday and Thursday afternoon. Your child always needs to have the correct PE Kit in school. This includes pale blue t-shirt, shorts and trainers. A black or grey tracksuit can be worn during the winter months.