Owls - Year 4
"Let Your Light Shine" Matthew 5:14-16
Welcome to Owls Class!
The class teacher is Mrs Ashford, the Teaching Assistants are Mrs Hebden and Mrs Earl.
In Year 4, we cover a range of topics that cover Humanities (History and Geography).
These are:
- Volcanoes
- Stone Age to Iron Age
- Rainforests
- The Mayans
- The Victorians
- Local area
Every term, there are Knowledge Organisers connected to the Humanities topic which we cover throughout the children’s learning, making as many cross-curricular links as we can. These are sent out via Parentmail at the start of each half-term. The knowledge organisers can also be found below:
Maths and English homework is sent out every week; this goes out on a Thursday and is expected back on the following Tuesday, completed to a high standard. Should your child need any extra support with this, they are to see Mrs Ashford where they will give them the guidance and support they require to successfully complete their work. The work set is based on what the children have been learning in class that week or revision of work from the half-term.
Spelling tests are carried out on a Friday and new spellings given weekly - A mini assessment of all the half-term spellings will be carried out the last Friday of each half-term.
Planners and Reading:
Every child in Year 4 has a reading record. This is to be used to record when they read. Every child needs to be reading for at least 20 minutes each night, whereby they record it in their record book. A parent is expected to sign it every week. Please see the link for the recommended reads for year 4 below.
Times Tables
In year 4 the children are going to take the national times tables testing please ensure your child is secure in these by practising regularly. These websites will help prepare the children as they are timed https://www.timestables.co.uk/speed-test/ https://www.timestables.co.uk/multiplication-tables-check/
The children are tested on times tables weekly in the classroom, they need to know up to 12x12.
In maths, we have been learning addition and subtraction with exchange. These helpful videos use resources to explain how we achieve this in class: subtraction with and without exchange and Addition with and without exchange
There are many ways to help your child to learn. Listening to them read or talking about their books will help them to develop their inference skills in reading. Ensuring that your child knows their times tables, which will help them immensely in maths.
We encourage children to read a range of text types and authors. Each year, we share a list of 50 books for the year group which we encourage children to read from. They are awarded a certificate to show how many books they have read. The book list for Year 4 can be found below.
PE takes place on a Monday morning and Thursday afternoon. One lesson each week will be outside, so your child will require suitable clothing for the weather. Your child always needs to have the correct PE Kit in school. This includes pale blue t-shirt, shorts and trainers (trainers are preferable over plimsolls). A black or grey tracksuit can be worn during the winter months.
We have been learning how to play the steel pans this term and the children are starting to sound as though they are working together and listening to the music.