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Mental Health and Wellbeing

"Let Your Light Shine" Matthew 5:14-16

At St Lawrence Primary School we are passionate about ensuring our children learn about positive mental health and wellbeing.  We know that if children are in the right place to learn, they will be able to achieve their goals.

A study from Place2Be, a company that provides mental health services to schools across the UK, has found that on average, five children in every classroom suffers with a mental health problem, with many more struggling with other challenges such as bullying and bereavement.

During Children's Mental Health Week, we introduce the children to a range of activities and strategies that can be used to support positive mental health and encourage children to go back to these strategies throughout their time in school.

There are many online resources providing help and advice about mental health and wellbeing available to parents and carers, some of which can be found below:

If ever you are concerned about the mental health or wellbeing of your child, please do not hesitate to speak with your child’s class teacher in the first instance.